Thursday, March 18, 2010

More fruits & veggies!

This past weekend, I conducted a family workshop.  It was my first one and I wanted to make it positive about good things to eat instead of limiting the bad stuff.  So one of the goals was to bring about an awareness of fruits and vegetables - and how to get kids (and their parents) to eat more.  Did you know that only 2% of our kids in U.S. consume the recommended daily allowance on a regular basis?!  As a parent, I struggle with how to do this without resorting to tricks (i.e., hiding vegetable and fruit puree in other foods or covering it in Ranch or cheese sauce).  I want our daughter to LIKE fruits and veggies.  And the only time tested way to do this, is continual exposure.  One of the handouts I used comes from the "Healthy Kids Challenge"  The handout includes a weekly chart for checking off the number of different colors of fruits and veggies that you eat.  We're on day 4 of using the chart and our daughter, who likes accomplishing challenges, has eaten at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables (one day it was 9).  We only count fresh produce - no juices.  Let me know what works for you - or if you use the chart, how's that working?  I'm going to go eat my grapefruit now...

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